Photography - Pattern Design Testimonials

Debby is a conscientious student with some extreme cultural and social baggage. Moreover, she has a strong capacity for self-reflection. Her graduation project showed both of these aspects of her character: as a member of the Moluccan (Indonesian) community, born in a Dutch environment in Lunetten, Kamp Vught, she portrayed her youth and the translation of her past feelings into visual revival for today.
The examination board was greatly impressed by her portfolio, presentation, and in particular by her graduation project “Awareness,” because even during the corona lockdown restrictions she successfully turned a very interesting concept into convincing photography.
The examination board sincerely believes that Debby’s graduation project is characterized by contemporary issues and urgency. Her themes and the manner in which she translates them into images have museum-level quality.

Werner Rauwerdink
Chairman examination board Fotovakschool

Debby is wonderful to work with. She asked me to model for one of her projects during her professional training as a photographer. She made me feel really relaxed and I really enjoyed the experience. The results were beautiful: creative, atmospheric, and photographs I will treasure.

Emma Brown
Freelance mezzo soprano and composer

Met haar project “Awareness. Op zoek naar de grenzen en bronnen van mijn bestaan. Kamp Vught” voegt Debby een belangrijk verhaal toe aan de Nederlandse geschiedschrijving, nationaal en lokaal. Dat doet zij op een subtiele manier, niet met statements of verwijten. Ze doet dat door de kijker mee te nemen in een speurtocht: waar loop je tegen aan? En wat is dat? Waar wordt je door gestimuleerd? Waar vind je warmte?
Het is mijn overtuiging dat Debby’s fotografische verhaal en zoektocht velen tot de verbeelding zullen spreken. En het zal ook voor meerderen een herkenning opleveren en behulpzaam kunnen zijn in eigen zoektocht van de kijker.

Fridus Steijlen
Professor Extraordinary ‘Moluccan Migration and Culture in a comparative perspective’, Faculty of Social Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, and senior researcher at KITLV

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